Monday, January 26, 2009

National Bankruptcy

As I feared, the tax and spenders (sometimes known as the democrats, although in recent years including the republicans) are in the process of turning emergency economic stimulus into a Christmas tree of spending on their favorite programs. For roughly the last 60 years, we could afford that kind of nonsense in this country, but we can't any more. I'm old enough that the fallout won't hurt me heavily before I die. But you younger folks will suffer for a long time. You will essentially become vassals of the Chinese and other peoples who still believe that profligacy is bad.


Steve Allen said...

In this consumer-oriented I-want-it-now society?

Only if the oath of fealty is administered through the proxy of leaders who can keep the terms sub rosa.
If not, well, that could produce a war unlike any recent national actions -- a war with popular support.

TenneBob said...

I just want your local friend, Barney Fife... er, Frank to pay off my mortgage, and then, I'll be fine. Just $200,000 Mr. Frank, I won't even need millions or billions or trillions like all your other 'friends.'

Oh, and I really don't want to be your "friend" either... just show me the money. OK?