Friday, December 26, 2008

wanna live by the Monterey Bay?

The property tax deadline in Santa Cruz is December.  The headline news says 10% of the homes in the county became delinquent on their taxes this month.  It looks like 2009 may be the year to get a (relatively) cheap house in a really nice place.  However, the governator prepared to slash all the state services to the bone, so if you come, be prepared to live independently.


TenneBob said...

Oh gee, be prepared to live independently. Wow, what a concept. It almost sounds like... like... what America was supposed to be, instead of the socialist disaster it's become.

Indepence... freedom... personal responsibility. Wow... we really need to learn these things? We really need to warn people to be ready for them?

Phew. How far we've fallen... but there's a lot further to go, thanks to the fact that Washington is NOT letting us live independently, and is intent on turning every American into a debt-slave for all eternity.

It's time for some states to begin a modern move for secession. Keep your stupid Federal money and your bureaucracies... we'll take freedom with all its risks and rewards, thank you. (Those in CA, sorry: Your whole state government is a morass and essentially as bad as the Federal disaster. At least some things turn out as they should, with people brain dead enough to elect those two senators time after time.)

You can keep Hank Paulson--the chief crook of all time--and clueless Ben Bernanke too. Maybe he can go back to the academic world with his cockamamie theories and revisionist economic history that only "work" in the classroom.

When will we learn that debt-based and fiat-money economic systems are designed only to make bankers rich, and are historically proved to be disasters waiting to happen?

TenneBob said...

I'm sorry. I made a mistake. Debt-based, fiat-money economic systems are not ONLY to make bankers rich, they're also to help keep crooked politicians in power, with the ability to deficit-spend till the disaster.

Please forgive the earlier omission. :-)